Systematics 2017

Another year—another conference. This one is going to be huge! All the benefits of a larger meeting with a broader audience and more diverse presentations but retaining the collegiality and intimacy that you’ve come to expect of ASBS meetings.

Systematics 2017—Integrating Systematics for Conservation and Ecology is a joint meeting of the Australasian Systematic Botany Society, the Society of Australian Systematic Biologists, incorporating the Invertebrate Biodiversity and Conservation Biennial Meeting.

The meeting is to be held at the University of Adelaide, (26) 27–29 November and there is now an open call for suggestions and coordinators for themed symposia.

This will be the last communication from the ASBS 2016 website, please subscribe to the mailing list for Systematics 2017 at if you’re tempted to attend this year.

Hope to see you in Adelaide.

Download the program and upload your presentation

The abstract book is at the printers—it’s starting to feel real for us, how about you? We’ve put the program (as printed) up for you to download if you like. We’ll make the full booklet with abstacts available soon.

presentation-iconsAre you ready to upload your presentation? Even if you do it right now you won’t be the first, but if you have it ready why not avoid the queues at the registration desk. If you later decide to make some slight adjustments you can always replace the version we have on file. Shoot us a quick email ( and we’ll send you a secure link to upload the file in your web browser.


Bring your own conference bag

bagsWe’re ripping the bandaid off and introducing BYO-CB to ASBS—but don’t just mourn the loss of a chance to obtain yet another eclectic shopping bag, take the opportunity to bring one of your favourite, pre-loved, conference bags along and show off to your colleagues.

In case my language is too obscure—we are not providing conference bags this year, the abstract book will be furnished naked.

Student assistance to attend ASBS conference

asbs_logoA reminder for any students (or supervisors of students) planning to attend the ASBS conference this year—the Australasian Systematic Botany Society offers financial assistance to student members to participate at such meetings. The amount available is generally based on the early-bird student registration fee.

Please see the ASBS website for details and the application form. Applications are due around the same time as abstracts for the meeting are due.

Don’t forget today is the last opportunity for early-bird rates.

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Good news–Bad news

cloud2Good news is (unless you have already paid) we’ve extended the early bird payment period for another two weeks so for those of you delayed in getting institutional approval or just not quite organised yourself yet — now have until 5 August.

Bad news (unless you have already submitted your abstract) the deadline for abstract submission is 19 August, that’s only four weeks! Grab the submission form now and send your abstract in.