
Systematic Botany—a view from the Centre

We encouraged all potential presenters to submit an abstract to contribute to ASBS 2016 and the convenors of the scientific program took the view that the broadest scope of the discipline of plant systematics would be included.

The scientific program includes three days of sessions, the program overview and presentation schedule are available to view. There’s also an overview of the associated events during the week.

Just to whet your appetite:

  • Sunday afternoon at 5 at Yubu Napa for a casual welcome and registration function
  • Monday at 9 for the start of the scientific program and the conference Plenary Address by Mark Chase
  • Each day also has three sessions of contributed talks
  • Surely the highlight of the week on Monday afternoon—the ASBS AGM
  • Tuesday morning starts with the Nancy T. Burbidge Medal Presentation and Address
  • Before the conference dinner at Olive Pink on Tuesday evening we’ll talk about the Decadal Plan progress
  • The last day of talks will conclude with the student awards before a wrap-up BBQ at Simpsons Gap
  •  Thursday is for those booked on the conference field trip to the MacDonnell Ranges

POR_CHASE_Mark_prof_060815AM011_croppedPlenary speaker

Our plenary speaker will be Prof. Mark Chase, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew and an Adjunct Professor in Plant Biology at The University of Western Australia. Mark has been actively working in Australia for some time and will join our conference after an extended field trip in South Australia and Western Australia.